Gwinnett Pulse
Obituary – Billy L Roberts
Mr. Billy L. Roberts, age 75, of Lawrenceville, passed away July 23, 2016. He grew up in Augusta, son of the late Hershell and Veona Smoak Roberts. He was a veteran of the United States Navy. Billy was a millwright and an electrician, and he enjoyed fishing.
Lawrenceville Youth Football Association Kicks Off 2016 Season
On Saturday, July 23, 2016, the Lawrenceville Youth Association (LYA) football and cheer programs kicked off their 2016 season by hosting a community gathering and cook-out at Rhodes Jordan Park.
Gwinnett first county to join metro Atlanta Business Court division
Lawrenceville – In 2014, Fulton County Superior Court Judge John Goger, who presides over the Fulton County Business Court, decided to see if the business court model, used successfully in Fulton County for over 10 years, could be expanded.
Recycle at Trip Elementary
Debbie Partrick, STEM specials teacher at Trip Elementary in Grayson, as well as the entire school family, is participating in a community recycling program that will earn money for their school.
The LONA Gallery proudly hosts a book signing event featuring local author Katie Hart Smith and her new book Aspirations of the Heart
The public is invited to attend a book signing featuring award winning local author
Home is where the heart is
They say home is where the heart is and Legacy State Bank has both its home and heart in Loganville and the surrounding areas.
Every Veteran deserves a hero’s sendoff
Famous American writer Joseph Campbell once wrote, “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” In my opinion, this is the perfect definition of all the veterans who have so courageously served our great nation.
$60,000 in scholarships awarded by Non-Profit and Sorority at 9th Biennial Debutante Cotillion and Scholarship Ball
Twenty-two Debutantes Dazzled in Presentation to Society…
The Gwinnett Pearls of Service Foundation, Inc. (“GPS” and the Upsilon Alpha Omega Chapter (“UAO”) hosted their 9th Debutante Cotillion and Scholarship Ball in April at the Infinite Energy Center.