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July 31, 2013


Born to read: Implementing story time at any age

A love of listening to well-read stories begins during infancy when babies recognize your own excitement for reading. At any age, making time to read together, choosing the right book and implementing a story time schedule will put you on the right track to raising an active reader. You should set aside time for story reading each day, but you’ll quickly discover it’s anything but routine. 

Carol Wood

ADHD, Depression or Both?

If your child has been diagnosed with attention deficit and/or depression, you may find this month’s article informative.  I read an article recently by Dr. Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D. in a publication entitled, ADDitude.

Kelly Farris, ACSM CPT

What’s missing…

I’m in the gym most every day training clients, teaching a class or just doing my personal workouts. I feel like a momma bear looking out for the ladies at the gym making sure every one is safe and doing the exercises with the right form.

Often I notice two things missing from most ladies workout routines; stretching and pushing themselves.

Amanda G. Pilz, PT, Promotion Therapy

Get back on your feet again with renewed hope

The car turned left quickly, not noticing the motorcycle coming at 60+ mph in the oncoming lane.  The head-on collision sent me flying 200 feet through the air, breaking nearly every bone on the left side of my body. The helicopter ride was quick, but the recovery seemed like an eternity.