Practice safety while using home heating equipment
With the recent cold weather across the majority of Georgia, Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner John F. King is encouraging Georgians to remain vigilant while using home heating equipment.
With the recent cold weather across the majority of Georgia, Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner John F. King is encouraging Georgians to remain vigilant while using home heating equipment.
Although fall and winter are the best time to plant trees, we often do not get planting fever until spring, which is also a good time. Regardless of when planted, proper installation methods are essential to having healthy, attractive trees in your landscape. Take time to do it right, and you will reap the rewards.
Our climates allow for many interesting and attractive plants to be part of our home landscapes. Perhaps no one is more durable or comes in as many shapes and sizes as the holly. More than 300 recognized varieties exist, with more being introduced each year.
In Georgia, homeowners need to be vigilant for termites since their damage can be expensive to repair, and their presence is often difficult to detect.
Throughout the growing season, our garden plants are troubled by numerous insect pests and diseases. Though conventional pesticides are useful, using those considered ‘organic’ and of low toxicity can also be the right choice.
Over the past year, the Extension office has received numerous phone calls from residents concerned about pine trees on their property that are turning brown. What could be troubling these trees?
Sheer fabrics allow the most light to enter a room, but they offer the least amount of privacy. On the other end of the spectrum, blackout fabrics block nearly all light from entering a room, and they provide the most privacy. Which is the right choice for you?
When choosing a window treatment, custom is the best way to get the desired look and feel that you want. It can be accomplished without breaking the bank and when done, the results will be worth every penny.
Many people are disturbed at the sight of insects, seeing them as a threat that should be eliminated at all costs.
107 W Crogan St, Lawrenceville Ga 30046 | (770) 963-3699