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January 9, 2014

DeNita McGuinn

Spring fever distracting from studies? It’s time to finish strong!

With the break of winter, distractions abound. Flowers bloom; spring sports like baseball, softball, track, tennis and golf begin; we feel the warmth of the sun and think summer is just around the corner. But, before we reach summer we have to finish the school year and finish it strong. With only 6 weeks left and critical tests about to begin, it is important for students to stay focused on the end game.

Regina Elvis, Owner Miracles of Massage

The Miracle Minute!

Now that we’re in the New Year everybody’s focus is on their New Years Resolutions and becoming a better you! As you head out to the gym and look at making dietary changes one thing I’d like to encourage you to do is to look at getting regular massages from a licensed professional. Massage feels good because it is good for you!

James Miskell, Attorney at Law

Estate planning “to-do list”

“For many of us, the task of putting together an estate plan is one of those “to-do’s that never seems to get done.”

It’s that time of year again. Yes, it is New Year’s resolution time. Is estate planning one of your “resolutions” for 2014?

David Walker, Attorney at Law

Annulment of marriage

Annulment of marriage
By David Walker, Attorney at Law

We often get questions about annulments, as some people believe they are easier, quicker or less expensive than a divorce. This is usually not the case. Annulments are rarely granted and only in unusual circumstances.

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Instant gratification and wealth

Have you heard of the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment conducted in 1972 by a Stanford University psychologist? In this experiment, children are given a marshmallow and told they would receive a second marshmallow if they could resist eating the first.

By Jamey Toney, ChFC® Country Financial

Use caution this winter when using space heaters

With home heating costs on the rise this winter, many people are turning to alternate heating sources to keep costs down. If you plan to use space heaters this winter, use extreme caution.

2014 is Here! Make it Great!

A New Year, A New You… in New Lawrenceville!

A New Year, A New You… in New Lawrenceville!
By Rodney Camren

Welcome to 2014, you have arrived. Reset, Relax & Release are my favorite 3R’s for any stressful situation or just to get a grip on the day. So here we are in the first of the New Year 2014 and I hope you will “Reset” your goals or your mindset, “Relax” the tension in your body, mind and spirit so you can focus on the positive energy you will “Release” into your life, work & the Universe.