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April 5, 2014

Stephen Brust, Webkat Design

Who owns your domain?

Who owns your domain?
By Stephen Brust

Why should I know who the registrar of my domain is, and why do I keep getting renewal notices from different companies?

I want to address some issues regarding domain name registration.  I have been building websites since 2000 and am still concerned that clients don’t know who owns or who the registrar is for their domain name. 

Hold-on –  maybe I should back up for a moment and explain what a domain name actually is. 

Loralee Beard, Magic Moment Photography

Hard act to follow

Hard act to follow
By Loralee Beard, Magic Moment Photography

I have been bossed around by a lot of people in my life but no one as adorable as Cheyenne Anderson, preschool veteran of Bethlehem Christian Academy, who has been known to coach her mother in the morning by saying “Mom, that’s not your color.” Daughter of Casey and Ryan Anderson and sister to 9 year old Caleb, Cheyenne loves being photographed and in Cindy’s words “very fashionable.”  The well rounded Ms. Anderson, loves princesses, playing outdoors and tumbling.