May 5, 2014

Bettye Faust Torbett Johnson (Front Left) with her husband LaVoy Johnson (Front Right) and their four children.

What about your brothers and sisters?

Recently, I had the privilege of meeting Bettye Faust Torbett Johnson, author of ‘The Want Ad’. and her husband, LaVoy. We talked about family, faith and caring about our brothers and sisters. Bettye’s story is of her courageous 51 year ‘search and find’ efforts to be part of family – on Earth and in Heaven.

Charlotte Nash, Chairman Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners

Have a healthy and happy summer

As spring turns to summer, we all look forward to getting outside more often for fresh air and exercise. Your county government offers many ways to help you do that.

Vincent Vittorio and Nathaniel Thomas McGill during their editing process

Made in Gwinnett

It seems like a “Made in America” label is hard to find these days. But a manufacturing revolution of sorts is underway in our land, and a couple of Gwinnett filmmakers are right at the heart of it. Back in the late 1990’s, Nathaniel Thomas McGill and Vincent Vittorio were students at Dacula High School.

NG3 Staff

Experience NG3

Spring is finally here! The flowers are blooming, the clouds of pollen are clearing, and the school year is only a few exams from being completed. Every-thing seems to be a little brighter as the day starts earlier and ends later, and it’s not just the weather that seems to be looking up. NG3 has a number of reasons to be excited; community service projects, an inau-gural banquet, a message confirming the need for NG3, and more doors of opportunity to name a few.