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October 5, 2014

Charlotte Nash, Chairman Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners

Help clear up the FOG

Pouring a little bacon grease down the drain may not seem like a big problem, but every little bit adds up and can create major blockages in sewer lines. Fats, oils and grease, known as FOG, cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage to residential property in Gwinnett every year. Property owners are responsible for cleaning up sewage overflows on their property. 

Assess Your Cancer Risk

A quiz from the Cancer Institute at Gwinnett Medical Center

Are your odds of developing cancer higher than they should be? Ask yourself these questions:

Soroya Bagheri

Spooktacular night

Look out dentists….here comes the cavities! Why? Because this is the month that unbelievable amounts of candy is handed out on the last night of the month of October every year, Halloween!

Everything Ella - Ella Thomas

Trick or treat this year?

Deck the halls with boughs of cobwebs… fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la! You know what that means? Halloween is nearly here once again. 

Stephen Brust, Webkat Design

Back from the brink!

Back from the brink!!! Yes that just might be the statement of the year. How many of you are suffering from website death. You know what I mean; when was the last time you completely overhauled your site?

James Miskell

Plan now to reduce uncertainty

“Trick or treat” rings out every Halloween as kids go door to door hoping for their favorite candy. My kids love sorting the candy at the end of the night and finding surprises in their candy haul. Part of the fun and excitement of trick or treating is the uncertainty —you don’t know what you are going to get. Dying without estate planning is a lot like trick or treat for your surviving family members—you don’t know what they are going to get.

Volunteer Dee Wilson

Volunteer Gwinnett surpasses million hour goal for volunteers

Volunteer Gwinnett surpasses million hour goal
for volunteers

Program Offers Opportunities for Citizens to Volunteer
and to Learn
By Phylecia D Wilson

As a Human Resources employee for a large international firm in the Philippines, Dee Wilson had worked in human resources organizing annual health and wellness fairs for 2000 employees. But after a fruitless job search following moving to the US and settling in Gwinnett with her new husband, Wilson still wanted something to do in her spare time.