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January 7, 2015

County government restores some services

On January 6, 2015 my fellow board members and I adopted Gwinnett County’s 2015 Budget. We’re planning to invest about $1.42 billion to operate County services and build new capital facilities for all Gwinnett residents in 2015.

A better way to run

Kids learning to swim attend swimming lessons for weeks. When wanting to take their tennis to the next level even casual tennis players hire a coach. So why are we so reluctant to seek professional help to learn how to run better, more efficiently and injury-free?

James Miskell, Attorney at Law

Another year, another opportunity

It’s that time of year again. Yes, it is New Year’s resolution time. Was estate planning one of your unfulfilled resolutions for 2014?  Is it on your “to-do” list for 2015?  Take the opportunity to get it done this year.

We all know that an estate plan is a matter of personal responsibility. Only you understand your family’s priorities well enough to make the proper decisions.  Legal and financial professionals are essential to understanding the best strategies, but the final decisions about what is right for your family can only be made by you. 

Gwinnett County’s Family Practice Physician of the Year!

Gwinnett County’s Family Practice Physician of the Year!

Long time Gwinnett physician Dr. Benjamin Abraham was named 2014 Family Practice Physician of the Year by the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce at their recent Healthcare Excellence Awards Banquet.

Stop the Drop… video competition

Stop the Drop… video competition
By Beth Volpert-Johansen

Stop the Drop is an initiative created by Georgia Public Broadcasting that is dedicated to preventing high school dropouts. Currently, Georgia’s graduation rate is less than 70 percent, well below the national average.

How healthy is your home? Radon is the silent killer

How healthy is your home?
Radon is the silent killer
Gwinnett is in the highest potential zone for household radon levels…

Written by:  Morgan L. Barnett, UGA Radon Educator for UGA Extension Nutrition and Health Newsletter – September 2013; adapted by Kathryn Holland December 2014

Did you know your home could be filled with an invisible radioactive gas called Radon? Radon is a naturally occurring gas that comes from the decay of uranium found in most rocks and soil.

Carole Townsend

To Resolve, or Not to Resolve?

To Resolve, or Not to Resolve?
By Carole Townsend

Quick, when someone mentions the New Year to you, what does that bring to mind? For some, it’s a melancholy time, packed with nostalgia, “what-ifs” and such. For some, a New Year is brimming with hope and promise, change and excitement. For many of us, the New Year is a symbolic chance to make positive changes, set goals and achieve them. It’s a time of resolve, a time of convicted resolution.