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January 10, 2015

Carole Townsend

The Family Dinner Matters

The Family Dinner Matters
By Carole Townsend

It’s been said for years, by psychologists, pastors, and even by just us laypeople:  family dinnertime matters. In a whirlwind world that gets more blustery by the year, what with sports and academic activities, work and other commitments, the family dinner table is, in a sense, the eye of the storm. It’s that calm, peaceful time when a family can sit down, unplug, share and forge stronger bonds. Such time is critical to healthy families.

Carole Townsend

My, where does the time go?

My, where does the time go?
By Carole Townsend

I remember being a young woman – admittedly a smug one when I was in my twenties – and hearing “old” people say things like, “The older you get, the faster time flies,” and “Better enjoy your children while they’re young. They grow up so fast.” I would hear these things, and arrogantly I would smile, all the while thinking to myself, “Only old people say things like that.” Keep in mind, when I was I my twenties, anyone over age 35 was “old.”