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February 5, 2015

Carol Wood

Educational Concepts: Love of learning

Have you ever watched a baby or young child learn by exploring the world around? The eagerness in the child’s face demonstrates a yearning to learn as much and as fast as possible! Learning opens up a new world by enabling us to understand how things connect, act, and react to each other! It is important that as children grow up and there are more demands on them for earning high scores and good grades, that an excitement for learning is nurtured!

Carol Wood

New Year’s resolutions for students

A resolution is a promise we each make to ourselves, and this time of year most of us are thinking about what we want to be different in 2015 from 2014.  To allow for change we must be willing to honestly assess ourselves and identify what it is in or around us that prohibits us from making those changes we so desire.  Students often need change, too.  So, following are examples of New Year’s Resolutions a student could set.

Carol Wood

Love of learning

Have you ever watched a baby or young child learn by exploring the world around? The eagerness in the child’s face demonstrates a yearning to learn as much and as fast as possible! Learning opens up a new world by enabling us to understand how things connect, act, and react to each other! It is important that as children grow up and there are more demands on them for earning high scores and good grades, that an excitement for learning be nurtured!

Ruben Diaz MD

Conservative Spine & Joint Center

At the Conservative Spine & Joint Center we strive to provide a conservative, comprehensive program related to ALL musculoskeletal care including spine problems, joints, muscle, tendons, spasticity and nerve problems among many other conditions.

Consumer Q’s

Consumer Q’s

Georgia Department of Agriculture
Gary W. Black, Commissioner
19 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

Question: What is the correct way to pronounce “pecan”? My wife says she pronounces it the Southern way. I disagreed and we got into an argument….

Answer: It’s too bad George and Ira Gershwin didn’t include pecans in the light-hearted toMAYto-toMAHto debate in “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off.” Perhaps people would not take the pronunciation of pecan so seriously. 

James Miskell, Attorney at Law

Your assets- your plan or someone else’s?

If the distribution of your property is important to you, you can use a will or a trust to give instructions about who gets what when you die.  If you die without a properly executed estate plan, state law will determine how the probate court will divide and distribute the things you own.  Of course, the state of Georgia’s estate plan won’t take your particular wishes into account. 

Doris Jones, Liberty Tax Snellville

–From the Tax Lounge archives

It’s rumored that the average lifespan of a New Year’s resolution is two months – HA! Try two glasses of wine for some of us. Anyhow, for those of you who resolved to get organized this year, here is the hope that it will pay off. Better yet, here is a tip to help it pay off at tax time: Create a tax binder.