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October 4, 2015

Grayson JROTC…RAM Battalion

Grayson JROTC…RAM Battalion
By Beth Volpert Johansen

How does a school get a JROTC program? According to 1st Sgt. Franklin Brown (ret.), you simply ask. “I was working in another school when I approached (former) Principal Hopson to ask if he was interested in having a JROTC program at Grayson,” says Brown.

Pastry & stitches edition

Pastry & stitches edition

In the fall, my view from the bleachers is usually the high school stadium stands. It is a place where social standing and education collide under Friday Night Lights.

By Chrissy Thomas RN, BSN

A plan for the most youthful you

Antiaging is everywhere.  Turn on the television, open a magazine or drive down the highway, and you will be bombarded with ads touting the best product or treatment to turn back the clock.