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February 16, 2016

Are you a thief’s best friend?

Are you a thief’s best friend?
By Dave Emanuel

You just might be – even though you don’t know the thief, and he or she doesn’t know you. You “befriended” the thief because you provided opportunity, perhaps even an invitation, to enjoy something you own.

Mary Frazier Long

Gwinnett Roadrunner – On The Run Feb 2016

The Gwinnett Roadrunner –
On The Run February 2016
By Mary Frazier Long
Black History Month Observance at Salem Missionary Baptist Church
February is Black History month and a display of significant Black History artifacts has been placed in Heritage Hall on the campus of Salem Missionary Baptist Church, 351 Killian Hill Road, Lilburn, Georgia.
Carole Townsend

What I’d go back and tell the younger me

(Not So) Common Sense
What I’d go back and tell the younger me
By Carole Townsend

Ah, the things that come with age, yes? I love the wisdom and clarity; the ability to discern; the sure knowledge of what I want; the satisfaction of having raised, or nearly raised, our children; the sheer joy of having a grandchild. The list goes on and on.