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November 8, 2016

Dave Emanuel, Councilman

Water Works- Gwinnett County style

Recently, I had the opportunity to do a podcast interview with Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners Chairperson Charlotte Nash. Ms. Nash covered a variety of topics, one of which was the importance of ensuring adequate water supplies.

Mayor Judy Johnson is congratulated by LaGrange College President Dan McAlexander as he presents her the Shackelford Alumni Achievement Award during homecoming activities.

Mayor honored by alma mater

Mayor Judy Jordan Johnson was presented the Shackelford Alumni Achievement Award by LaGrange College during homecoming activities Oct. 22.

The honor is given annually to alumni who have distinguished themselves professionally and brought honor to the college.

Carole Townsend

With age comes both privilege and loss

 Note:  This is a version of a piece I wrote in 2013, just a few months before my father passed away at 93 years of age. I thought, in light of present circumstances, it might deserve another look. I have added a few more thoughts, three years after his death. If any of you is caring for an aging  (originally written in January 2013)

Carole Townsend

Voting is a hard-won privilege

Today, I went to vote. I saw young people, some sporting piercings and tattoos, others wielding briefcases and braving high heels. I saw older Americans, many walking to stand in the voting line, stooped over and moving only with the aid of a cane.