April 7, 2017

These junior varsity players have a front row seat. Unfortunately it’s during a game when they should be playing not watching.

The Promise of JV Sports- Denied

Middle and high school level sports programs exist outside academic disciplines, yet they often teach lessons that are just as valuable as those learned in classrooms. The mission statements of many schools fully support that concept, and the statement of Beachwood High School (in Ohio) does a particularly good job of capturing the essence of school sports.

Eleni Jordan and son, Parker Jordan.


I usually try to make these columns a little humorous. After all, our lives have enough bad stuff, why not laugh as much as you can.

Carole Townsend

Sorry, I’m (over) booked

Are you good at multi-tasking? Are you one of those people who can rise at or before dawn, work a full day, handle family business and finances during lunch or on the road, return phone calls during a grueling commute every evening, then attend or host one or two meetings a week – then get up and do it all over again the next day?