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April 10, 2017

Carolyn Wright, The LONA Gallery

Art Matters (April 2017)

Art Matters  (April 2017)
By Carolyn Wright
The LONA Gallery

I am always amazed by an artist or individual’s creative spirit, how they come to create what they create, to do what they do and have the courage to share it with others.

Designing Grandmothers

The power of a grandmother’s love

Is there anything greater than a grandmother’s love? In fact, to quote U.S. Federal Judge Judith Levy, “When a child is born, so is a grandmother.”

Simple Solutions for Spring

Spring has SPRUNG!! The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and you are feeling the pressure to put on those sundresses and sleeveless tops to show the world you haven’t lost your glow. The number of things we can forgive ourselves in the winter months comes cascading back this time of year.