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June 15, 2017

Dave Emanuel

Service Dogs to the Rescue

For most people, a dog is the family member who is always glad to see you and wants little more than some of your time, regular meals and a decent place to sleep. But for some people, a dog is much more than a pet. For them, “man’s best friend” can mean the difference between the captivity of an institution and the freedom to live, move about, or to overcome once debilitating events.

Autumn Williams 2017 winner of the Judy Patterson Legacy Scholarship presented by Stacy Patterson (R).

Community volunteer leaves lasting impact

Ever present with a winning smile and can-do attitude, Judy Patterson of the Archer Cluster of schools located in Lawrenceville was one of those super moms able to look beyond her own children to the welfare of all children in the community. Whether raising funds for Cooper Elementary, serving on the PTA board, participating on the Archer Schools Council, or stepping in weekly if not daily to assist teachers and students in the classroom, the word no simply was not in Judy’s vocabulary.

Shane's Rib Shack opens its newest location in Grayson Georgia

Shane’s Rib Shack opens its newest location in Grayson Georgia

GRAYSON (June 15, 2017) – Shane’s Rib Shack, a leader in fast-casual barbecue, will open its next location in Grayson, GA, on Monday, June 19th making it the forty-seventh Georgia location and seventy-fifth restaurant location nationwide.  The new restaurant will create more than 40 new jobs for the Grayson area. 

Just For You

Just For You

Mrs. Lisa Kinsel and Casper from Scottish Rite Children’s Hospital and Canines for Kids