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July 31, 2017

Meredith Chastain & Meghan Schroder

Smiles like these

The clear star of the summer of 2017 for us was the rain. There was no safe time to organize a photo shoot because it rained day and night. Eventually, we gave in and started just conducting our shoots in the rain under umbrellas- frizzy, wet hair and all.

Rev. Robert Thompson

“Under the Reign of Our King”

Solomon’s position as king and his reign are the high water mark of man’s influence over the world as a righteous sovereign.  1 Kings 3:12b states from the LORD God Himself: “Behold, I have given you a wise and discerning heart, so that there has been no one like you before you, nor shall one like you arise after you.

Bill York

Highway carnage

I could not believe how fast cars were passing me and I was driving the speed limit. Officials scratch their heads wondering why deadly crashes happen so frequently; it’s obvious; too many cars on the roads and too many speeders.

Lawrenceville Mayor, Judy Jordan Johnson - the daughter of Mayor Rhodes Jordan - joined in the birthday and reunion celebrations with Farrar Atkinson (L) and Mila (Lasala) Binstock.

Milestone Birthdays Celebrated at Manila High School Reunion

Lawrenceville resident, Farrar Atkinson, a former Peace Corps volunteer and biology teacher at Manila High School in the Philippines, celebrated her eightieth birthday with former students from the classes of 1962-1964 on Thursday, 6/15/2017 in the Fellowship Hall at Rock Springs United Methodist Church.