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September 1, 2017

Joan Miller

What about color?

One of the questions I answer most often is about color. Should the window treatment match the wall color or the trim color?

Jonathan Howes

Peaks and Valleys

There are seasons in our Christian lives when we go through dry times. There are times when we are depressed, discouraged, disappointed or even have doubts in our faith in God. The Christian life is full of peaks and valleys, highs and lows.

Carolyn Wright, The LONA Gallery

Magical Healing Powers of Art

There is a lot of love, passion and positive energy at Creative Enterprises, not only among the staff, but it is evident among the clients they serve as well. On a recent visit, I was greeted by wide, welcoming smiles, generous greetings and even a hug or two! It may not be the “Happiest Place on Earth,” but it’s a close second in my book!

James Miskell, Attorney at Law

The Essential Tools for Estate Planning

The numbers vary somewhat from survey to survey, but each new study that is released reveals that large numbers of Americans do not have a will. Not having a will is shorthand for not having any estate planning in place.

Katie Hart Smith

A Walk in the Garden

As a whippoorwill calls out from one of the nearly century-old pine trees in the backyard, I smile, take pause, sip my tall cup of coffee – strong and black, no sugar – and continue my walk in the garden and a talk with God.

Rev. Robert Thompson

The Great American Eclipse of 2017

“The Great American Eclipse of 2017” made its way across the nation. What does it mean? Scripture tells us that God made two great lights and the stars on the fourth day. They were created for signs and seasons for days, years and to give light upon the earth. (cf. Genesis 1:14-19)

Paige Havens

History In The Making

Recently I wrote about the vision developing at Gwinnett Medical Center to launch the nation’s first mobile concussion care-a-van. In November the plan was put into motion and on August 16, 2017, it was officially unveiled. It truly was a moment in history that we need to mark.