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December 14, 2017

Bill York

The Golden Girls

They were not the original television cast, but they really were Golden Girls, serious and concentrating. 

Katie Hart Smith


(Swept is a reverse poem. What is a reverse poem? These poems mean one thing when read from top to bottom, but the meaning or sentiment changes when you read each line in reverse order, last line to first.)

Gordon Strauss and his birdhouses

Birdhouse Treasures

With Thanksgiving on our heals, we try to hold on to that atmosphere of gratitude and be thankful for what we have in our lives. But it is not a far leap to assert that most of us do not acknowledge how good we have it on a day-to-day basis. During the holidays we try to increase our giving to those who seem to be in need.

A snapshot of Brett Bramble on his 2016 Walk from Lewes, Delaware to San Francisco

Life at Three Miles Per Hour

Lilburn Man Walks Across America for Addiction Awareness

Brett Bramble grew up in Lilburn in a big family full of lots of love. In middle school, he fell into the wrong crowd and started using. By 17 he was in trouble with the law and ultimately went to jail. It was there, at 20 years old, that he made the decision to get clean and not let drugs define his life anymore.

CarlinVision Doctors, Michael A. DeRosa MD, Melanie Bennett-Sims MD, David Carlin MD, Richard Carlin MD, Blake Thornhill OD, Allison R Tyler MD, and Michael Willman DO.

A Look Back – 40 Years of Carlin Vision

When Dr. Richard Carlin opened his door for patients for the first time in 1977, the entire practice was two people: Richard and the receptionist, Linda. Forty years later, the Carlin Vision practice employs about 60 people, including seven doctors, and there is a surgery center as well as an impressive free-standing office building.