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January 29, 2018

Andrew Kramer, M.D., FACS

Hernia Q & A

A hernia is a hole in the fascia (gristle) of the abdominal wall. Hernias can be congenital (you are born with it) or acquired (occurring secondary to lifting or strenuous activity). Once a hernia develops, the hole in the fascia will not close on its own, and over time may become larger.

David Walker

A Personal Law Practice

Having practiced law in Gwinnett County Georgia for over 40 years, that journey has taken many directions. I began practice as a real estate closing attorney when Gwinnett County was tied with Orange County CA as the fastest-growing county in the country. I was also an appointed counsel for criminal defense cases in Gwinnett Superior Court for a number of years.

The Importance of Connecting Young People & Seniors

Connecting young people (children and teenagers) and seniors can be extremely beneficial in fostering understanding between the two generations and helping to promote interaction. It doesn’t matter if the connection is made through organized programs or activities at home -– ultimately the benefits of connecting these two groups will:

Tim Golden, BrightStar Care

Ask the Senior Care Expert | How do I downsize?

This is a question with which most of us must deal at some point. In our society, we tend to buy larger houses as our family grows and fill those houses with “stuff.” In some cases, lots and lots of stuff.

Joan Miller

Are you losing heat through your windows?

This is the time of year when we realize that heat is seeping out through our windows, robbing the rooms of precious warm air. Did you know that as much as 50% of our heating & cooling energy is lost through our windows? Yes, right out the windows, making the HVAC system work that much harder or making it uncomfortably cold so that you have to turn up the heat.

Carolyn Wright, The LONA Gallery

Another Year, Another Opportunity

As we embark on a new year, I have been reflecting on my own experiences in 2017. For me, it was a year of successes and failures, loss of family and friends, of joys and pains. Upon reflection, however, it was the kind of year that is the stuff of life, good times and bad, trials and triumphs. How we face life’s challenges and move forward is what really matters.

Chrissy Thomas, About Face Skin Care

Resolve to make 2018 ABOUT you…

A new year is a time to start over. It is a time to give the thought about the things we do and how we would like to change them. This year, we would like to help you make 2018 ABOUT you, with the help of About Face Skin Care and About Mind and Body Fitness Boutique.

Lawrenceville residents and business owners attend the City of Lawrenceville workshop to discuss the community's vision for the future.

Moving Lawrenceville Forward

On Thursday, January 25, 2018, the City of Lawrenceville hosted a strategic workshop at Cornerstone Coworking, inviting local residents and business owners for their input about the future vision of Lawrenceville. According to the city, “Through Lawrenceville Forward, the city is jointly updating its 2040 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance to identify major issues, set a strong community vision for the future, develop action plans, and revise regulations in one fell swoop.”