April 14, 2018

Charlotte J. Nash

Connect Gwinnett: Seeking input on Transit Plan

Last summer, I wrote about the Connect Gwinnett: Transit Plan, the County’s first major look at transit since the launch of Gwinnett County Transit in 2001. In the time that has passed, the planning team has been hard at work analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data, information, feedback, and other details to begin to shape draft recommendations for the County’s transit future.

Marlene Ratledge Buchanen

Hey Ya’ll | The Three Little Bears

Once upon a time, a handsome man met a beautiful woman on a blind date. The man and woman fell in love. The handsome man gave the beautiful woman a teddy bear and a proposal. She accepted both.

Katie Hart Smith

Only if…

Last week, my husband, Jeff, and I attended the funeral of a dear friend who died unexpectedly. During her Celebration of Life ceremony and the montage of photographs that illustrated a life well-lived, service to others, treasured friendships, and family memories, it reminded me of a recent conversation with a colleague who prefaced their life’s ambitions with, “only if.”

Bill York

I like small businesses

Having operated a small business for sixty years, I appreciate how difficult it is to develop a customer relationship. It takes time to build a reputation for ethics and quality and a profitable base. 

Soraya Bagheri

Growing Up in 2018

Growing up as a teenager in 2018 is a bit more different than what my parents described their high school and teenage years experiences were. I’m sure I’m not the only person whose parents have told them about what life was like growing up. Whether it’s the clothes they wore, the music they listened to, or whatever they did after school with their friends. 

Leigh McIntosh

Rotarians Connecting Communities Through Trees

Rotarians worldwide have been charged this year with planting a tree for every member. When that is completed, there will be 1.2 million new trees planted across the globe. Rotary Club of Lawrenceville chose April 6, 2018, as the day to plant trees. Let’s look at some of the ways this helps our community.


Gwinnett seeking public response to County’s Transit future

Lawrenceville – After a round of public input and extensive analysis, Gwinnett County and a team of consultants have drafted possible options to expand and improve Gwinnett County’s transit system over the next 30 years. Now, the County is asking the public to weigh in on those options at a series of open house sessions this month around the county.