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May 16, 2018

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Norcross Rushes in Era of Digital Plan Review!

Norcross rolls out new digital system for plan review and permitting needs in the city.

Norcross – The City of Norcross is excited to announce the roll-out of ePlan Solution for plan review and permitting needs in Norcross!

Tim Golden, BrightStar Care

Ask the Senior Care Expert | What are levels of care?

When a family is at the point of considering moving a loved one out of their home and into a facility, they will have to consider what type of facility is most appropriate. The family will hear terms like independent living, assisted living, memory care, and skilled nursing facility. Just what do these terms mean?

Marlene Ratledge Buchanen

Hey Ya’ll | Ageless or Just Old

Good Grief. It just hit me. I was sending a congratulatory note to Ann Jackson Tiberghein. She is retiring from teaching. She was an art teacher in Gwinnett County Schools. And she is retiring.

Chrissy Thomas, RN, Cosmetic Nurse Injector, Anti-Aging Specialist

Our Words to the Senior Class of 2018

As we graduate another class of incredibly talented young skin care patients (aka- high school seniors), we want to pass along a few words of wisdom that we have learned along the way.

Ella Thomas

The Middle

My sophomore year has nearly drawn to a close, meaning that I am half-way done with high school (already!). Now, at this point, I can either see the glass as half-full or half-empty and that usually just depends on the day.

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Cofer

200 years of Snellville History

James Cofer was born and raised in the Snellville area. He is related to almost all of the old families of Snellville, Britt’s, Snell’s, Clower’s, you name the family, and there is likely a genetic connection.

Dr. Joshua Morris, MD

ECT: Time-tested, Forgotten, Treatment of the Future

Drs. Cerletti and Bini performed the first electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) treatment in Italy in 1938. ECT is the oldest psychiatric treatment in psychiatry still in use. Since 1938, ECT has evolved significantly to optimize the balance between minimal side effects and maximum efficacy.

What is real love?

What is real love? There are so many different kinds of love, and there are so many different levels of love. Many of us love food. This is evident in my 200-pound frame. I talk about food so much during my sermons that church members bring me food on Sunday.

Being “Hip” in Today’s World

Everyday Matters because Every Day Matters
Welcome to 2018 where it is no longer is it “cool” to be “hip.” Are these words still in your vocabulary? Have you used them lately and had someone look at you with that “I can’t believe you said that” face?