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June 7, 2018

NFL Nonsense: An Empathetic Response

One reads with empathy mixed with a measure of disappointment, “NFL Nonsense.. .” by Bill York of Lawrenceville, GA in the May 2018 issue of the Gwinnett Citizen. We are all thankful to Mr. York as well as other members of his family for his military service. His heart-felt reminder of those who gave their last ounce of devotion at Pearl Harbor, the Bataan Death March, Normandy, Iwo Jima, et al to preserve American freedom is much needed and touches us all.

DAR Good Citizen Awards

The Philadelphia Winn Chapter of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) was represented at three of our Gwinnett County High Schools’ awards ceremonies in April and May.

Greta Coble retires after serving the South Gwinnett Community for 47 years.

Beloved school crossing guard retires

On May 23, 2018, Greta Coble held up her stop sign for the last time and safely assisted one of her students across the street. After 47 years as a school crossing guard, Greta Coble laid down her sign and joined the ranks of the retired after a long, fulfilling job serving her customers.