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December 16, 2018

Dr. Aliu Sanni

Breakthrough procedure helps those with Acid Reflux Disease

Did you know 10-20% of Americans have acid reflux disease? For many, it is an annoyance that occasionally happens if they eat the wrong food or drink too much coffee. However, for others, it can be a more frequent and serious problem that needs medical attention.

Roger Green

Your Green | Investment tax planning

As we end one year and begin another, there are things you need to think about doing to maximize your retirement assets, gain any available tax benefit, and/or avoid any tax penalty that may be linked to your investments. Here are things you should consider:

Coaching basketball to instill life-long lessons

Mark Davis has served as the head coach of the men’s varsity basketball team at Loganville Christian Academy (LCA) for more than 13 years, but he wouldn’t call himself a huge fan of the sport.

Next Star Communications — A Top Sprint Retail Performer for sixteen years and counting

Since it was founded, Next Star Communications has been an award-winning Authorized Sprint Retail Partner. And just this past September, the family run-business achieved even higher status, being recognized as the Top Sprint Dealer for 2018. Last year, they received this award for 2017. Their Business Team also received recognition for ranking among the top 3 performing Sprint Business Teams in the nation.

Overseer Raynard Brown with his bride of over 30 years – Pastor Vonetell “Cookie” Brown.

A Giant among Us!

With the strength of an elephant and a backbone of steel, the newly widowed wife recalled the legacy of her God-ordained husband, lover, and friend. Taking a deep breath, Pastor Vonetell “Cookie”, simply said, He oozed the Word of God and what you saw in public was the same as what we witnessed at home!