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February 16, 2019

God added all these things, said Dorothy Maxey!

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Matthew 6:33KJV

Civil Rights Soldiers are not always easy to spot. For instance, Mississippians had their Fannie Lou Hamer, Co-Founder, and Vice-Chair of the Freedom Democratic Party. Alabama had Rosa Parks, sitting on the front seat of a bus! Washington, D. C. had Dorothy Height, American Educator. New York had House Representative Shirley Chisholm! And Lawrenceville, Georgia has Dorothy Gholston Maxey, this unsung Progressive Entrepreneur!

A Man Cloaked in Humility – Stas Preczewki

“Whenever I call him, he comes! No job is too small or too large; Stas is totally reliable and can always be counted on!” Pete Stamsen, Membership Chairman effusively affirmed Dr. Stanley ‘Stas’ Preczewski! Pete eagerly continued, “Stas is just a great guy … an awesome person … he’s important to the Lawrenceville community, instrumental to Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) and invaluable to the Lions Club!”