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March 11, 2019

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Your Green: Who will get my money when I die?

The best way to make sure assets go to the right people is to list them as beneficiaries. By law, the beneficiaries designated for an account or policy will receive the assets in that account or payable under that policy upon your death.

Redefining the Colorectal Cancer Patient

When you’re in your 20s, your biggest concerns should be what classes you plan to take during the spring semester of college, which awesome apartment you want to live in, or maybe whether or not you should ask your longtime crush on a date, etc.—not colorectal cancer.

Chrissy Thomas, RN, Cosmetic Nurse Injector, Anti-Aging Specialist

5 Reasons You Should Consider CoolSculpting

1. It is safe. Cool Sculpting is the first of its kind that will actually freeze fat. Traditional techniques that we have used for fat reduction have been radiofrequency devices. Radiofrequency is great for skin tightening but has not proven to be as effective for fat loss.