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March 13, 2019

Is God Punishing Us or Protecting Us?

 I think many Christians and people, in general, have two different views of God when it comes to the Old Testament and the New Testament. People tend to view the “God of the Old Testament” as an angry God who brings his punishment and wrath down on anyone who does not follow his laws. And they view the “God of the New Testament” as a gracious, loving and merciful God.

Dave Emanuel | Cut To The Chase

Situational Awareness- A Personal Safety Essential

You’re standing in a parking lot reading a text on your phone.

You’re driving along, chatting with the person in the passenger’s seat.

You walk out of a store looking at your purchases to make sure everything you bought is in the bag,

After a very nice dinner, you leave the restaurant, lost in deep conversation with your dining companion.

Leigh McIntosh

Rotary’s Push for Clean Water

I paid my Gwinnett County Water bill today for a grand total of $14.99. I take it for granted that I can drink clean and safe water directly from the tap for a small monthly fee.

Bill York


Expecting an invasion of Europe by Allied Forces a concrete wall was built by Adolf Hitler, beginning at the border of Spain, along with the French coast, the English Channel and then along the Danish coast continuing the length of the Norwegian west coast.