Gwinnett Medical partners with ChoiceOne to open Urgent Care Center in Grayson
Gwinnett Medical Center (GMC) hopes to address the growing demand for quick access, cost-efficient care by expanding its Urgent Care network in Gwinnett.
Gwinnett Medical Center (GMC) hopes to address the growing demand for quick access, cost-efficient care by expanding its Urgent Care network in Gwinnett.
When was the last time you pulled up in front of your garage, got out of your car, manually opened the garage door, got back in your car, drove your car into the garage, and then manually closed it again?
The most common reason people call my office seeking in-home care is that the caller is responsible for a loved one suffering from dementia and that loved one can’t be left alone. One of the most important things we can ask when dealing with loved ones as they age is “what are the early warning signs of dementia?”
In life, we all feel like we have been cheated at times. We do not always get what we think we deserve. When this happens, we can suffer from resentment.
To begin planning your estate is to think through the intricacies of your life, to think about your values and your family. But there is nitty-gritty you might be overlooking: the financial, the legal, and the shared understandings. Make time to consider what you might be over-looking before planning in earnest.
While training employees at Sears Roebuck I recall the instruction manual. When there’s a complaint employees are told to apologize first, determine the problem and satisfy the customer’s complaint.
Most people simply select a policy for homeowner’s insurance quickly when they are in the process of buying a home. With everything else that is going on at the time, homeowner’s insurance seems like just one more thing to sign off on and move on. Plenty of errors can slip through the cracks if you don’t take your time when shopping for homeowner’s insurance.
Sure they’re cute, but what about support?
Beyond knowing your shoe size, most of us don’t give too much thought to the details of feet, like their shape or how they move. And most of the time these factors don’t really matter when picking out shoes. However, athletic shoes are a whole different story.
He’ll steal sandwiches directly from your hand. And keys. And butter from off the counter.
107 W Crogan St, Lawrenceville Ga 30046 | (770) 963-3699