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July 26, 2019

Paul and Tammy Mazurkiewicz own The Little Gym of Snellville, a place where kids can learn gymnastics and improve their motor, cognitive and social skills in a fun, supportive environment.

The Little Gym Gives Kids a Boost

When Paul and Tammy Mazurkiewicz decided to enroll their daughter in gymnastics lessons, they tried a few locations before finding what they considered a perfect fit at The Little Gym.

Every Saturday from June through September, Mark and Debbie Petersen can be seen at the Snellville Farmer’s Market, standing behind a booth laden with breads and pastries of all shapes and sizes.

Catching up with the Petersens – Former pizzeria owners start Cottage-style bakery

For those who enjoy Italian food that doesn’t come from a chain, Franco’s Pizza was amongst the city of Grayson’s best-kept secrets. Located off Grayson Hwy., the family-run pizzeria was a casual sit-down joint serving simple pastas, chicken wings, salads and, most importantly, pizzas made with Mark Petersen’s handmade doughs.