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July 29, 2019

Rachel Shaw (Left) Brooke Liddell (Right)

Books for Bingewatchers

Summer is often a teen’s favorite time of year because we get to waste time, which makes Netflix and other streaming sites the best pastime. But there comes a time when we feel pressured to engage in more stimulating activities instead of simply sitting around and watching TV.

Summer Energy-saving Tips for Your Home & Appliances

There are many things you can do to prevent your air conditioner and other appliances from running up your energy bill in the summer. First, consider investing in a programmable thermostat. These devices can automatically adjust the temperature while you’re out of the house or sleeping, so your air conditioner only turns on when it’s needed most. Need help with installation and understanding how it works? We’re always here to help.

Bill York

You’ve got to love those TELEMARKETERS

10:05 PM. Exhausted after a hard day, had just dozed off. Telephone jangles.
Sleepily, “Hello, it’s your dime, talk.”
Syrupy voice, “Is this William York?”