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8 Benefits of Caregiver Support Groups

You’re not alone in this
Caregiving is a tough and isolating experience. But caregiver support groups are filled with people in similar situations. Finally! People who fully understand what you’re going through!

How caregiver support groups can help
Support group members validate each other’s experiences. It’s a relief to know that what you’re going through is normal and that you’re not the only one with these feelings – negative or positive.

Support groups are a great place to ask for advice, find out about useful resources, and just vent about your frustrations. Nobody will judge you because everyone is going through the same struggles.

After all, there’s no instruction manual for being a caregiver! And let’s be honest, being forced to learn everything by trial and error just stinks. Why not learn from someone else’s experience!

8 Benefits of Caregiver Support Groups
Research has shown that participating in caregiver support groups results in very real benefits that can significantly improve your quality of life.

Caregivers in support groups report 8 key benefits

1. Feeling less lonely, isolated or judged
2. Gaining a sense of empowerment and control
3. Improving your coping skills
4. Reducing distress, depression or anxiety and having lower rates of clinical depression
5. Developing a clearer understanding of what to expect with your situation
6. Getting practical advice or information about treatment options
7. Improving your caregiving ability and giving better quality of life for the older adult 8. Helping you keep your loved one at home longer.

How to find a local caregiver support group
Local hospitals or community centers almost always have handouts with lists of local support groups, check there first.

For support groups that are focused on specific conditions, check the websites for information about local meetings.

Bottom line
Caregiving is difficult, and everyone struggles with the day-to-day challenges. Instead of feeling abandoned and suffering through on your own, try a caregiver support group. It’s a helpful place that can make your life easier, reduce stress, and improve your health.

Dogwood Forest of Grayson offers a Caregiver Support Group every 3rd Tuesday of the month starting January 15, 2019 1:30 pm- 3:00 pm.

1754 Grayson Highway, Grayson, GA 30017

Care will be provided for your loved one while you attend the support group.

Please RSVP 470-885-7987.

If you have any questions please email LaToya Jones, Director of Inspirations
