Smiles By Simmons

Local dentist, Dr. John Simmons considers his practice more than traditional dentistry. The building, both inside and out expresses the artist and humanitarian who uses his talent to bring a smile to many faces.

Dr. Simmon’s staff brings smiles to Snellville. (L-R) Susan Helzerman, Wendy Rosenberger, Vanessa Whiting, Linda Magnus, Tracie Mitter, Becky Rawlins and Dr Simmons (Front Center).

Helping people have a great smile is rewarding work. “A smile is priceless,” says Dr. Simmons. “To bring a smile to a person’s face transforms everyone they see.”

Located at Main Street and Wisteria in the heart of Snellville, Dr. Simmons’ practice has grown right along with Snellville. Together, with his wife Holly, the Simmons’ family is firmly established in the area too. All three daughters graduated from Grayson High School and played in the band. All three daughters also graduated from Dad’s Alma Mater, The University of Georgia.  While Dr. Simmons has “retired” from being a band dad, he remains very busy bringing smiles to local residents with his dentistry and growing the roses that are found outside his dental office and on the Snellville United Methodist church grounds where the family are members. 

The path to Snellville began with an undergraduate degree from UGA, dental school at MCOG and then three years in the Navy. Dr. Simmons established his practice in 1986 at the urging of his orthodontist friend, Dr. Bougas who has offices in the same complex. “It is great to be in the heart of Snellville,” says Dr. Simmons. “We are very much a part of a great community.” 

Dentistry has changed a great deal since Dr. Simmons and his staff began in 1986. CAD cameras and new methods such as CEREC, have made cosmetic changes far easier and more accessible. “I love to do the cosmetic work,” says Dr. Simmons. “There is something about having something to repair and making it beautiful, strong and easy on the patient.” Dr. Simmons spends a great deal of time in training and is one of only eight dentists in Georgia with an Accreditation from the Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He and his staff consistently continue their education through such events as The Hinman Dental Meeting. “Keeping our staff up to date, allows us to offer a range of services to help with both the cosmetic and comfort aspects of dentistry,” says Susan. The office offers Botox® and Juviderm® products with expert care for the use of both as well. A menu of their services can be found at their website:

roseHis staff agrees that “their” doctor is exceptional. “He takes the time to look at everything and know his patients well before he determines a good path to a healthy smile,” says office manager, Susan Helzerman. “His sense of humor is also something the office staff and patients really appreciate.” 

The staff also finds that Dr. Simmons sets a good example of sharing talents. Each year, Dr. Simmons participates in mission work. Most recently, he has become very taken by the people in Nicaragua. He says that building walls for homes is very satisfying and he has become known by the children of the village he has visited for the past five years as always having a baseball in one pocket and bubbles in the other. “I have loved watching them grow up and knowing that I can make a difference in their lives,” says Dr. Simmons. 

Whether he is in Snellville caring for his patients and pruning roses or on a mission trip far removed from Georgia, Dr. Simmons enjoys bringing a joyful smile to anyone he meets. “It is a real ministry and an honor to be able to be a dentist,” says Dr. Simmons. “It is an honor to have my patients trust me to take care of them.” For Dr. Simmons, his dental practice is his mission field.

For more information call (770) 985-2437 or visit
John W. Simmons, IV
2381-B Main Street East
Snellville, GA 300778
