Smart Lunch, Smart Kid

Smart Lunch, Smart Kid

DULUTH, GA - Recently members of the Community Foundation of Northeast Georgia’s Professional Advisors Council and staff, along with student volunteers, converted the Foundation board room into a sandwich assembly line to provide much-needed lunches for local children lacking an essential meal during their summer break from school.

Community Foundation staff members and volunteers convert the board room into a sandwich assembly line to help feed hungry children.

During the school year, over 800,000 children in Georgia schools receive free and reduced lunch; however, in the summer months, students are left without this beneficial program. CFNEG recognized this vital need in our community and rolled up their sleeves to produce over 200 healthy meals that included turkey sandwiches, fruit, peanut butter crackers, and juice boxes in partnership with the Smart Lunch, Smart Kid Program.

Smart Lunch, Smart Kid is a program run by Action Ministries, an organization that has served more than 300,000 lunches to Georgiaschool children since 2012. Action Ministries, with the help of thousands of volunteers and donors like those at CFNEG, fill a big void for hungry children in our communities by delivering healthy sack lunches during the summer months directly to their neighborhoods. The lunches provided by CFNEG were specifically distributed to children in targeted trailer parks, extended stay motels and apartments in the Tucker area known to house children served by free and reduced lunch programs.

Judy Waters, CFNEG Executive Director shares, “Children going without necessary daily meals is a growing concern in this country as many families struggle financially to provide the basic necessities. Serving the real needs of our community is the very foundation of our organization. Today we ensured more than 200 children will not be hungry for lunch. There is absolutely no greater feeling than knowing we are providing such an important need to our local families.” CFNEG is excited to host another lunch assembly day next month to serve even more children. To learn more about Smart Lunch, Smart Kid, visit
