Final bell has rung

Final bell has rung

On May 21, 2015, the final bell rang at Archer High School and its 2,437 students rose with hopes for the start of the summer. Their year of studying, stressing over tests and quizzes, waking up at o’ dark thirty and shuffling their feet from class to class has finally come to an end.

Julie Rizzo - Archer HS

As they walked out of their classrooms, everything seemed different. They felt different. Another year of required education was over and it felt good to let loose. Their stomachs filled with butterflies of anticipation for change but were mistaken for excitement. The air filled with multiple feelings but the main one was freedom. That’s what summer promises the most; the art of freedom.

I’m so excited for summer being here! My junior year ended and I can’t be more thrilled for the future. I’ve finished everything I was supposed to do to finish the year out. I’ve taken the rest of my exams, turned in all my class work and said good-bye to my friends. I’m more ready for the summer than my eight year old brother will ever be. I imagined everybody will indulge in their crisp apple of a summer but I’m washing it down with adventures that are the tall, cool glass of water. One of my adventures will consist of running. Archer High School’s cross country team is conditioning during the dewy mornings of the summer before the sun will rise to say hello to the world. I’m joining the girls’ team to run in the nearby park, Tribble Mill, and train with them. I’ve done this last summer and had the best time of my life! The cross country season of 2014 helped me prosper into an actual runner and taught me running was something my soul was longing for. 

Also, I plan to read some books by many of classic, American writers but mostly works of F. Scott Fitzgerald. My eleventh grade, language arts class, directed by Mrs. Johnson, had to read The Great Gatsby. Previously, a year ago, I adored the 2013 movie as if it were the most addicting chocolate in the world that I had to acquire the book too. Fitzgerald’s style wrapped itself into the beautifully crafted words and I became addicted to his work. Since I have time to endure the different worlds, I plan to explore his books whole heartily. 

Running and reading won’t complete my adventures without traveling! I will set sail with my family on a luxurious, glistening cruise to Mexico, Jamaica and another glamorous island in the Caribbean. I can’t wait to explore the lively parties of the islands and learn more than what I’ve learned from my Geography class with Mr. Beuglas. I don’t think my three years of French, taught by the Mrs. Soto (Archer’s best and only French teacher), will be helpful but it’ll be amazing either way. 

Another thing of my to-do list is to host a blood drive on July 22nd at Grayson City Hall. I already gave blood to the Red Cross at my school but this time I will be hosting it. If you can donate blood, come and bring some friends. The more pints of blood I get, the more of a chance I get in winning a scholarship for college. If you’re interested, check the Grayson City Hall website for more information; it would be wonderful if anyone could make it. 
