Lions Leo Club chartered at Moore Middle School

Lions Leo Club chartered at Moore Middle School

On August 18, 2015, a New Lions Leo Club had their first ever meeting in Home room of one of the two Leo Advisors at Moore Middle School in Lawrenceville. 

Leo Club Advisor and 8th Grade Teacher, Mrs. Furga James began the meeting by greeting everyone and welcoming the prospective Leos and mentors from the Lawrenceville Lions Club.   She shared a short Video that shared how Leos can make an impact within their community.  Lawrenceville Lion and Mentor, M. K. Osborne welcomed these 7th & 8th students to the meeting.  Lion Pete Stamsen gave a short history of the sponsoring Lions Club, the Lawrenceville lions Club.  Lion Newton also a Mentor, Challenged the MMS Leo Club to undertake their very first service project by collecting eye glasses & hearing aids to help those in other countries.  

Advisor Lion Furga James urged the prospective members that haven’t turned in their membership application by September 1st.  Advisor Lion Lisa Williams reminded the new Leos that if they planned on running for an Officer Position to make sure they have their speeches prepared as to why they are running for President, Secretary Treasurer & Membership Chair.  The voting would then commence, votes counted and winners declared.   Advisor Williams also commented on the Literacy Day Program that is upcoming on September 8, 2015.  In closing, Lion Osborne shared a few remarks of how proud and excited the Lawrenceville Lions Club is in Chartering this Leo Club at Moore Middle School and that we are committed to supporting them throughout this process.  Principal Lamont Mays also welcomed and congratulated the students on becoming members of the MMS Leo Club.  He also encouraged them to work hard and get involved and work to better “Serve” their Moore Community.   

If your Middle School is interested in Chartering a Lions Leo Club in Gwinnett County, please contact Lion M. K. Osborne at:   
