CMS gives back!

CMS gives back!
By Soraya Bagheri

November is not only a time of giving thanks, but also a time for giving back.

Couch Middle gives back

During the week of October 19th, through the 23rd, Couch Middle School held a food drive for the Gwinnett South East co-op. However, this year, CMS promoted the food drive unlike other schools. 

Students at the school still brought in can goods, however each can food item brought in by a student was worth ‘one point’, and on certain days, the most needed food items needed at the co-op where worth ‘triple points’ at Couch. At the  end of the week, the homeroom with the most points would win a pizza party and trophy for their homeroom. Homerooms were in competition each day! This point system is a fun way of encouraging students to participate in an important cause.

Homeroom winners were tied! 1st place: Ricker and Wilker homeroom; 2nd place: Cronin homeroom; 3rd place: Antwine homeroom.

This year, more cans were donated in the first two days of the food drive than there have been in years past. Items that were donated included, dried fruit, macaroni, soups, personal care products, peanut butter and jelly, etc. At Couch Middle School, 5,087 cans were collected to donate!! And Bay Creek collected 4,671! Starling Elementary School also participated.

The food drive provided for several different families in our own community, it also made us realize how appreciative we are and need to be. As crazy as it sounds, some families don’t get the full 3 meals every day, so it’s our job to help each other.

What is a community if we don’t help each other? Especially during this time of year it is important to go out into the community and help others. YOU can get involved by donating to the South East co-op! Many other ways are available to get involved, in your local parks, churches, local organizations, and especially since it is getting colder, you can donate clothes to your local clothes donation bins!

Not only this Thanksgiving, but also through the month of November, I challenge you all to reach out to your communities and help them in ways that CMS did, by giving back.

Enjoy your holiday and turkey!

Soraya Bagheri is an eighth grader at Couch Middle School.




