Dr. Katherine Kahn of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation visits local school

The GAC community was blessed to have a visit by Dr. Katherine Kahn of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. A proud aunt of several of our students, Dr. Kahn spent time with our Elementary Environmental Learning classes and several of our AP classes focused on the sciences. 

Dr. Katherine Kahn

She helped make science and progress come alive for our 4th graders as they met beneath the taro plants in our on-campus greenhouse. Dr. Kahn is a Senior Program Officer in the Agricultural Development group at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and holds a PhD in molecular biology and biochemistry.

She works with farmers in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia firsthand, and uses her knowledge about molecular genetics and virus resistance to help make advancements and improvements possible in their daily living and livelihood. Learning directly from Dr. Kahn was empowering for our students; they heard personal stories about the importance of education, the tools and resources Dr. Kahn uses daily to do her job well, and the potential impact they could eventually have on the world.
