Rotary News for October

Rotary Club of Lawrenceville has a slate of upcoming speakers you are invited to hear. If you have ever wanted to make a difference in your own community, Rotary might be for you.

Craig Roberts is being awarded a gold star from the Assistant Governor of Rotary District 6910.

Come to a meeting, meet some of our involved community citizens, listen to what we are doing and decide for yourself. Meetings are every Monday at Garden Plaza in Lawrenceville at noon.

On September 18, 2017 Brent Bohanan with Gwinnett Habitat for Humanity spoke to our club about the need for more homes and volunteers in our county. We also inducted a new member named Steve Sheets who is pictured here. Member, Craig Roberts was awarded a “gold star” for bringing in a new member to the club.

New member Steve Sheets.New member Steve Sheets.Upcoming speakers:
1. Alice Lagebrant: GRSP Student, September 25
2. Ogie Shaw: Childhood Obesity, October 2
3. Jasmine Billings: Volunteer Coordinator for the City of Lawrenceville, October 9
4. LISA PATTERSON: TABLE Ministries, October 16
5. Viewpoint Health (This is a tour of their premises) October 23 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
6. David LeValley: top FBI agent in Georgia, October 30

For those of you who are not Rotarians, let me tell you how Georgia Rotary Clubs are making a difference. Since 1946 Georgia Rotarians have sponsored about 60 students annually from all over the world to spend a year in a Georgia university. Rotarians pay for the tuition and the students live on campus but have a Rotarian host family to mentor them and with whom they may spend weekends and holidays during the school year. The focus is not on academics but is more of a cultural exchange.

Brent Bohanan is the Executive Director for Gwinnett Habitat for HumanityBrent Bohanan is the Executive Director for Gwinnett Habitat for HumanityThe mission of the Georgia Rotary Student Program is to:    

Promote peace through understanding.      
Encourage the exchange of cultural and social experiences.      
Advance the ideals of Rotary.       
Create opportunities for friendship.       
Envision a world where peace is a reality

Due to this initiative, Georgia Rotarians have sponsored thousands of people from across the globe in their mission to promote peace in the world and to serve humanity. This is a wonderful way to be part of something bigger where you can help to change lives. Many of you are aware of the negativity and tensions in our country. Is part of the negativity because we are focusing on individual desires rather than on what is good for humanity? We each have a choice to focus on our selves or on others, to promote peace or adversity, to love or to hate. You have control over your “head talk”. What will your choice be?
