Nothing can compare to the feeling of living in your own home!

My name is Judine Lynch, and I have been providing care and staffing since 1987. Each month I will provide information on home care and resources available to people of all ages with constraints and the frail older population. I am not a scientist, nor a mathematician or can I claimed to know it all, but I will work my hardest to get vital information to share with readers.

If you have any questions about home care and the resources available, please submit it to I will be happy to share what I know, answer your questions or research the information you need.

The inevitable process that we all go through called aging is feared by many but cannot be escaped.

As we age, here are some of the questions that come to mind.

• If I can’t help myself, who do I call?
• What type of help is out here? • Will they make my life easier?
• Am I going to be able to remain in my home?
• Will the cost be affordable to me?

Several years ago, I was called by a social worker who had a couple that needed care and was in denial. The social worker gave me their number and told me they needed some TLC. I called, and the husband answered, and he gave me a date to meet with him and his wife, so I did.

On my arrival, I realized that the couple had been in the first stage of Alzheimer’s, not just one but both the hubby and wife was hit by this devastation, they had no kids, only a niece, and nephew that lived thousands of miles away.

My visit with them was successful. I was able to locate the niece and nephew’s number. The first call was not what I expected, but as the nephew explained he had personal problems that he was facing and suggested I called his sister. I thought to myself, cut him some slacks. He assured me his sister could deal with the issue and I called her. I spoke to the sister, she was quite worried and didn’t notice the irregularities in previous conversations with her aunt and uncle; she recalled communicating with them every week, but they seemed fine. She also got a call from the social worker who explained a neighbor was worried and called for help. The niece was able to find a flight, and we met around six days after my call.

To provide privacy, though the couple is deceased; I will give the couple my own names; let’s call them John and Francis.

John and Francis were from New Jersey, but around age 45 they moved to Georgia. They downsized and bought a condo after they retired. John had no family alive, and Francis had a niece and nephew who lived in New Jersey. The couple developed a close relationship with the neighbors that seemed like a family bond. A few of the friends noticed the unusual behavior in the two, like; wearing the same clothes every day, not color coordinating and on one occasion the fire alarm went off because Fancies left the pot on the stove and didn’t realize the fire was coming from her condo. It was after what seemed to be two extreme incidents in the same week that prompt the next-door neighbor to call the State. On one occasion, the couple forgot to pay their electric bill and was out of light for three days, in that same week John went to the grocery store and got lost, a police officer escorted him back home around 2 am. The last incident when a police officer brought John home; John did not remember where he lived, but with the assistance of his driver’s license, the police were able to help him home. That was the last straw, and the Department of Aging was called, and a social worker was dispatched to assess the case.

John could fake it in any short conversation, and anyone would be convinced he was okay. John still had his sense of humor but had become forgetful. One neighbor reminisced that John was a sharp dresser, and it had gotten to where he would wear his pajamas to the grocery store, and his hygiene was not kept, quite unlike John.

Imagine the thought of being told that you have to give up your driver’s license and that someone will care for you. You, me or anyone would not be happy with that idea. This always brings me back to Independence. We were created to be independent and never want to depart from that.

The couple could not come to the terms of why they had to get help; they kept saying they were ok. The niece found out that they had not been to the doctor in a year, a neighbor had paid their light bill because they forgot, the medication from a year ago was not taken, and the house was very unorganized.

This was an unfortunate situation where both partners were attacked by Alzheimer’s at the same time. This story has always resonated with me; it tells me that as human being we fight really hard for our independence. I was able to help this couple remain in their home with the best care and uphold their dignity until it was time for them to go on the other side.

Friends and readers that is what I do; provide the best care for people so that they can remain in their home and avoid going into nursing homes; Please call us at Certified Home Care of Georgia 770 635 8042. Please remember nothing can compare to the joy of living in your own home with great help. In addition to the one-on-one care you will receive; things are done the way you want it.

I have the answer to all the questions listed above; my service is of great help to people of all ages who want to live at home and are unable to care for themselves. Again, I do not know it all but will do my research to get you the results you are searching for. Thanks for reading.

Certified Home Care of Georgia is licensed by the state of Georgia Department of Community Health., we provide one-on-one care in companionship and personal care. Call Us Today 770 635 8042
