Duluth Calling All Interested Citizens to Take Part in CBRA (Citizen’s Budget Review Advisory) Committee

City Officials believe communication with and guidance from the citizens of Duluth is instrumental in having a healthy community. Part of this guidance has come from the Citizen’s Budget Review Advisory Committee. 

Previous Citizen’s Budget Review Advisory Committees reflected a great cross section of the citizenry and provided helpful feedback and recommendations on ways the City can be more efficient and effective in its daily operations. It is important to the City that citizens have confidence in our financial health and practices and be provided full access to all financial data.  The City is set to begin its 8th collaboration with the Citizen’s Budget Review Advisory Committee on February 20, 2019, for the FY2020 budget.

The first (February 20th) meeting establishes an overview of the City’s budget process and what the Budget Committee’s role will be in the process. All Budget Committee participants will be given the City’s current operating budget (FY2019) and ten (10) year forecast presentation. They are asked to study the material and be ready to discuss them at the next meeting.

The second (February 27th) meeting involves a review of draft figures for the preliminary FY2020 budget, debt service commitments, City initiatives, as well as information relating to Capital Reserve funds. 

The third (March 6th) meeting is geared toward recommendations from the Citizen’s committee, addressing any concerns with the budget and finally discussion of visionary opportunities for the City.

Officials and staff look forward to working with the citizens again this year. For additional information or if you would like to be a part of this committee please contact, Kim Jackson at kjackson@duluthga.net or 770-497-5321.
