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A Man Cloaked in Humility – Stas Preczewki

“Whenever I call him, he comes! No job is too small or too large; Stas is totally reliable and can always be counted on!” Pete Stamsen, Membership Chairman effusively affirmed Dr. Stanley ‘Stas’ Preczewski! Pete eagerly continued, “Stas is just a great guy … an awesome person … he’s important to the Lawrenceville community, instrumental to Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) and invaluable to the Lions Club!”

The Lions Club awarded the former GGC president its highest award, the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award (MFJ), from the Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF). The LCIF’s mission is “to support the efforts of Lions clubs in serving communities locally and globally giving hope and impacting lives through humanitarian service projects and grants.” Dr. Preczewski, was recently named one of Who’s Who in Education by the Atlanta Business Chronicle.

Grace Clower Georgia Lions Club Leadership Coordinator Stas Preczewski former President Georgia Gwinnett College and Pete Stamsen Lawrenceville Lions Club Membership ChairmanGrace Clower Georgia Lions Club Leadership Coordinator Stas Preczewski former President Georgia Gwinnett College and Pete Stamsen Lawrenceville Lions Club Membership ChairmanFormer State Representative and retired Educator, Dr. Valerie Clark, contributed, “It was indeed a treat to be in the presence of this great man who has given so much of himself; not only to the students of GGC but to Gwinnett County at large.”

Pete recalled how, “When a Leo Club was chartered at Moore Middle School in Lawrenceville, Georgia; Stas came down from the stage and stood eye level with the students to relate with them!” Pete continued, “Stas is readily accessible, answering and returning calls. He has been known to assist students with arduous move-ins; he’s just a great guy.”

Brian Donegan, President of the club stated that, “It was a joy to honor Stas. He agreed with everyone that this is a man deserving of this great honor.”

Grace Clower pins Stas PreczewskGrace Clower pins Stas PreczewskThe affirmations coming from the audience much resembled the responses heard in a Southern Baptist Church on a Sunday morning! The ooh’s and the aah’s were generously splattered with head nodding and several ‘Amen’s’ spoken throughout the presenting of the Service Award. Stas appeared to be moved by the presentation and one witness described his demeanor as ‘humbled’.

Present also was Lawrenceville Mayor Judy Jordan Johnson. As mayor, she has the privilege of interacting with its citizens daily and engaging them wherever they are. She stated, “Dr. Stas Preczewski has a heart for learning and student engagement. He welcomed the Lions Club to GGC because he knew the value of student involvement in civic organizations.” She continued saying, “He believes that community service should be a part of each student’s life.”

It was interesting to note that Dr. Preczewski was not aware that he was receiving this award; he thought he was there to support someone else. Humility was the cloak that he seemed to be comfortable wearing, and it certainly fit him well. He actually, literally epitomized the mission statement of the LCIF, “to support the efforts of Lions clubs in serving communities locally and globally giving hope and impacting lives ….” Indeed, he is a gifted man, “Cloaked in Humility!”
