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Baker/Trout Family Wins National Red Ribbon Photo Contest

Baker/Trout Family Wins National Red Ribbon Photo Contest

Grayson –  A local 8th grader from Couch Middle School, Jaden Baker and his family, are the proud winners of the 2015 National Red Ribbon Photo Contest.

The contest takes place as a part of National Red Ribbon Week ® – the nation’s oldest and largest drug prevention campaign, sponsored by the National Family Partnership (NFP). During the month of October, he worked with his family to decorate his front door with this year’s theme, “Respect Yourself. Be Drug Free™.” All this was done to promote their commitment to living a healthy and drug-free lifestyle. Baker earned $1,000 for his school and an iPad for his family.

“The contest definitely opened to door and made it easier for me to talk to my son about drugs,” said Jean Trout, Jaden’s mother. “It also involved the whole community. Neighbors asked my son questions about why drugs are bad. A police offer stopped and complimented my son. The mailman commented on the display on our door.”

National Red Ribbon Week began in 1985 and was started by the National Family Partnership in response to the abduction and murder of DEA Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena. Since its inception, the campaign has touched millions of lives to promote and celebrate drug free living.

“An estimated 80 million people celebrate Red Ribbon Week each year,” said NFP President Peggy Sapp. “We designed the contest to bring the Red Ribbon message home and to give parents a chance to talk about the dangers of drug abuse. By receiving the same message at home, in school and in the community, children are significantly more likely to really hear and benefit from the prevention message.”

Nationally, the contest named 20 winners – ten home entries and ten school entries in various regions throughout the nation. The money earned for winning the contest will go to support Couch Middle School’s drug education and prevention programs, thanks to the Drug Enforcement Administration, the contest’s co-sponsors. Over a quarter of a million votes were cast in support of contest entries.

To learn more about Red Ribbon Week and the contest, visit

THE NATIONAL FAMILY PARTNERSHIP was established in 1980 and is a national leader in drugprevention, education and advocacy. Its mission is to lead our nation’s families and communities in nurturing the full potential of healthy, drug-free youth. Red Ribbon Week is the nation’s largest and oldest drug prevention campaign. NFP created the campaign in response to the 1985 abduction and murder of DEA agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena. Learn more about NFP at
