Delayed gratification and wealth
Have you heard of the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment conducted in 1972 by a Stanford University psychologist?
Have you heard of the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment conducted in 1972 by a Stanford University psychologist?
When planning for retirement, often the focus seems to be almost entirely on “how much can I save?”, but there are some other significant questions to consider when reviewing your overall retirement plan.
A change of the beneficiary of a life-insurance policy is an area that can cause multiple legal problems. To be more specific, failing to change a beneficiary after certain events can cause problems.
One of the goals of estate planning is for a person to state his or her desires as to life support choices. A person can be on a life support device and unable to communicate as to whether the person wants to continue on life support.
Summertime activities: Are you covered?
As summer approaches, take a minute to make sure you have sufficient insurance coverage in case an accident happens.
Many business people face the decision of whether to incorporate their business. The decision whether to incorporate usually involves a desire to limit the owner’s personal liability while operating a business.
Be prepared for tornado season
By Jamey Toney, ChFC®, CFP®
Country Financial
Tornado season begins in April and lasts through June, but actually tornadoes can and do occur in every month of the year. That’s why it is important to always be prepared.
All parent wants to make sure their children are taken care of in the event that they become disabled or die before the children reach adulthood.
Don’t let your financial security get washed away
By Jamey Toney, ChFC®, CFP®
Country Financial
Before floodwaters lap at your front door, make sure your financial security isn’t in danger of being washed away.
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