What women need to know about retirement
A new report released in March 2016 by the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) finds that across all age groups women have substantially less income in retirement than men.
A new report released in March 2016 by the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) finds that across all age groups women have substantially less income in retirement than men.
Gaining control over our finances is usually at or near the top of all New Year’s resolutions. Suddenly now, it’s March, have you made any progress?
It’s that time of year again – love is in the air! As Valentine’s Day approaches, we make dinner reservations and shop for the perfect gift to express our love. This Valentine’s Day, consider giving a heartfelt gift—an estate plan to provide support and guidance for them during grief and loss.
Giving the gift of insurance
By Jamey Toney, ChFC®, CFP®
Country Financial
Everyone likes to give gifts. It’s a pleasure to watch the warm, glowing smile of a loved one who treasures the gift they’ve received.
When you should consider changing your will
By David Walker, Attorney at Law
You should review your will at least every five years to make sure your views have not changed as far as who you want to have your property. Changed relationships and changed financial circumstances can make a difference.
Take precautions for winter driving
By Jamey Toney, ChFC®, CFP®
Country Financial
Reliable transportation is essential in the winter. It is especially important to keep your vehicle in top operating condition to avoid any unpleasant or dangerous situations while traveling in frigid weather.
With 25+ years of helping people with their money, I often am asked for suggestions in planning for a financial future. These are some basics:
Most of us love the wonderful, fragrant smell of a fresh-cut Christmas tree. Twinkling lights and colorful decorations add the final touches to the dark green needles.
Georgia’s child support laws
By David Walker, Attorney at Law
Georgia child support guidelines are based on the incomes of the parents. The amount of support is based on the total of both parents’ income.
107 W Crogan St, Lawrenceville Ga 30046 | (770) 963-3699