Gwinnett Business Leaders

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Credit score: why does it matter?

It’s the holiday season, and the time of year when many get themselves into trouble by spending excessively through the use of credit cards; only to have problems paying off those cards or even making the required payments in the coming year.

James Miskell, Attorney at Law

Who’s watching after the kids?

It is natural to focus on our families at Thanksgiving, to think about everything they add to our lives and how lucky we are to have them. 

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Turning 65? Don’t Forget Medicare!

You may not be aware, but everyone is eligible for Medicare at age 65, even when the normal retirement age for Social Security benefits is later.  We recommend anyone turning age 65 contact the Social Security Administration ( or 1.800.772.1213) three months before the month of their 65th birthday. 

By Jamey Toney, ChFC® Country Financial

Snuff out danger from seasonal fires

Snuff out danger from seasonal fires
By Jamey Toney, CFP® ChFC®
Country Financial

A turkey’s roasting in the oven, the stovetop’s full with all the fixings.  The table is set with fine silver and beautifully burning candles.

To many, it’s the ideal holiday scene. 

Marc Townsend, Plumbing Division Manager, Bardi

Be Great at What You Do.

Blue Collar View
By Marc Townsend

Be Great at what you do

“Don’t just practice your art, but force your way into its secrets; art deserves that, for it and knowledge can raise man to the Divine.” – Ludwig van Beethoven

David Walker, Attorney at Law

Adoption FAQ’s

Our firm has handled adoptions since we began practicing law. A grant of a Final Decree of Adoption is one of the happiest moments in the legal field.

David Walker, Attorney at Law

Wills and estate planning FAQ’s

Wills and estate planning FAQ’s
By David Walker, Attorney at Law

Our office has been preparing wills and trusts, and handling probates and estates for  three decades. Here are answers to some of the questions we hear most often. 

By Jamey Toney, ChFC® Country Financial

Take precautions to keep your Trick-or-Treaters safe

Take precautions to keep your Trick-or-Treaters safe
By Jamey Toney, CFP®, ChFC®
Country Financial

For many children, Halloween is a time to dress up in a favorite costume, go to classroom parties and trick-or-treat at neighbors’ houses. These happy thoughts of jack-o-lanterns, costumes and candy may cause parents and kids alike to forget the potential dangers of Halloween. 

By Jamey Toney, ChFC® Country Financial

Start the school year off right by putting safety first

Start the school year off right by putting safety first
By Jamey Toney, CFP®, ChFC®
Country Financial

Summer days grow shorter and communities across America prepare for an annual ritual: the first day of school.  It’s a time when parents breathe a sigh of relief, students anticipate new challenges, and when all of us need to put safety first.