Gwinnett Business Leaders

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Instant gratification and wealth

Have you heard of the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment conducted in 1972 by a Stanford University psychologist? In this experiment, children are given a marshmallow and told they would receive a second marshmallow if they could resist eating the first.

By Jamey Toney, ChFC® Country Financial

Use caution this winter when using space heaters

With home heating costs on the rise this winter, many people are turning to alternate heating sources to keep costs down. If you plan to use space heaters this winter, use extreme caution.

David Walker, Attorney at Law

Asset protection

Asset protection
By David Walker, Attorney at Law

Recently a client wanted to protect his new house from lawsuits or creditors. His ex-wife was constantly filing suits against him. He has four minor children.

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

A harvesting plan for retirement assets

Retirement planning does not end at retirement. The need to continue to grow assets to produce more income remains important for most – especially for those who may not have accrued enough assets to last them throughout today’s longer retirement periods.

By Jamey Toney, ChFC® Country Financial

What to do after an auto crash

The sound of screeching tires and twisting metal fills the air as another vehicle slams into the front of your car.  You’ve just been in a crash. What do you do now?

Who can you trust?

Who can you trust?
By Stephen Brust

I have been perplexed the last few days, after meeting with one of our new clients.  They told me a salesman called on them, prior to calling us to help with advertising, securing a domain name and hosting for a website he would build for them. After taking their check and having them sign a contract, he disappeared into the night never to be found again.

James Miskell, Attorney at Law

Plan now to ease their burden when you are gone

“Studies show that over half of
Americans do not have a will”

One of the best reasons folks engage in estate planning is to ease the burdens surviving family members will carry in the event of our death.  Any of us who have lost a loved one know that it is a difficult time – full of emotion and sorrow.

By Jamey Toney, ChFC® Country Financial

September is life insurance awareness month

Do you know if your family would have the financial resources to maintain their standard of living if something happened to you?  According to the Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association, approximately 56 percent of Americans lack individual life insurance coverage and 30 percent have no life insurance protection whatsoever.

David Walker, Attorney at Law

Bad faith denial of insurance claims

Claim denied? These are the words no one wants to hear in response to an insurance claim. You have submitted your claim, the premium was paid, but you are turned down.