Gwinnett Business Leaders

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Your Green: Who will get my money when I die?

The best way to make sure assets go to the right people is to list them as beneficiaries. By law, the beneficiaries designated for an account or policy will receive the assets in that account or payable under that policy upon your death.

James Miskell, Attorney at Law

Estate Planning | Love Deserves More than Candy and Flowers

It’s that time of year again – love is in the air! As Valentine’s Day approaches, we make dinner reservations and shop for the perfect gift to express our love. This Valentine’s Day, consider giving a heartfelt gift—an estate plan to provide support and guidance for them during grief and loss. Whether your assets are large or small, giving your family the peace of mind of knowing your wishes in these difficult times is priceless.

James Miskell, Attorney at Law

A New Year’s Resolution that doesn’t involve working out or dieting

It’s that time of year again. Yes, it is New Year’s resolution time. Was making a will one of your unfulfilled resolutions from past years? Is it on your “to-do” list for 2019? The good news is that with a modest investment of time and effort, you will be able to check this off your list in just a couple of weeks and you won’t even have to go to the gym to get it done!

James Miskell, Attorney at Law

Estate Planning | Who’s Watching the Kids?

It is natural to focus on our families during the holiday season, to think about everything they add to our lives and how lucky we are to have them. As people think about Estate Planning, they often focus on dividing and distributing their belongings and financial assets.

Roger Green

Your Green | Investment tax planning

As we end one year and begin another, there are things you need to think about doing to maximize your retirement assets, gain any available tax benefit, and/or avoid any tax penalty that may be linked to your investments. Here are things you should consider:

James Miskell, Attorney at Law

Estate Planning | Did Mom Seem Different to You?

Holidays give us the opportunity to spend more time with family. When we spend more time with our aging parents at these holiday gatherings, we often notice the early indications that a parent is slipping. You may notice a parent forgetting things or no longer participating in things he or she always enjoyed. Perhaps it is a conversation over coffee, and a short while later, Dad is repeating himself with no signs that he remembers the same conversation the two of you had that morning.

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP®

Your Green | Age 70.5 or older? Don’t forget your RMDs!

In the year in which you turn 70 ½ years of age, the current IRS guidelines require you to take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), by April 1 of the following year, from your Qualified accounts (tax-advantaged accounts). For each year thereafter, you must take your RMD by 12/31 each year.