Gwinnett Business Leaders

Jim Miskell

Estate Planning: ask the right questions and don’t overlook the details

To begin planning your estate is to think through the intricacies of your life, to think about your values and your family.  But there is nitty-gritty you might be overlooking: the financial, the legal, and the shared understandings.  Make time to consider what you might be overlooking before planning in earnest. 

Roger Green, MSFS,CFP® | Green Financial Resources

Making the most of your 401(k)

401(k) plans remain the primary source for building retirement assets for millions of workers. Here are some ways to make the most of your 401(k):

David Walker, Attorney at Law

A comparison of revocable and irrevocable trust

For the purpose of planning your estate, a will is the basic tool for putting your plan in place. However there are other ways to accomplish this task, such as revocable or irrevocable trusts.

James Miskell, Attorney at Law

Did Mom Seem Different?

Holidays give us the opportunity to spend more time with family.  When we spend more time with our aging parents at these holiday gatherings, we often notice the early indications that a parent is slipping.  You may notice a parent forgetting things or no longer participating in things he or she always enjoyed. 

James Miskell, Attorney at Law

Plan now to reduce uncertainty in the future

“Trick or treat” rings out every Halloween as children go door to door hoping for their favorite candy.  My kids love sorting the candy at the end of the night and finding surprises in their candy haul. 

By Jamey Toney, ChFC® Country Financial

Parents: take precautions to keep your Trick-or-Treaters safe

Parents: take precautions to keep your Trick-or-Treaters safe
By Jamey Toney, ChFC®, CFP®
Country Financial

For many children, Halloween is a time to dress up in a favorite costume, go to classroom parties and trick-or-treat at neighbors’ houses.  These happy thoughts of jack-o-lanterns, costumes and candy may cause parents and kids alike to forget the potential dangers of Halloween.  I have assembled the following Halloween safety topics for adults in order to keep this autumn holiday safe and fun.

James Miskell, Attorney at Law

Essential Tools of Estate Planning

The numbers vary somewhat from survey to survey, but each new study that is released reveals that large numbers of Americans do not have a will.