Health & Wellness

David Carlin, MD

Blepharoplasty vs. Ptosis

I get a lot of questions from patients about insurance paying for their eyelid surgery. Insurance will actually pay if it’s medically necessary – that is – if it’s interfering with your vision, which is easily determined with a free in-office consultation.

By Fidias De Leon, Eastside Urgent Care Physician

Healthy Habits For the Entire Family

Summer is coming to an end and most kids have headed back to school. It is time to switch the focus and start thinking about classes, sports, and after-school activities. As you begin your back-to-school preparations and pick out your new clothes and backpacks, it is also a good idea to begin the school year off with new healthy habits for the kids and the entire family.

Paige Havens

History In The Making

Recently I wrote about the vision developing at Gwinnett Medical Center to launch the nation’s first mobile concussion care-a-van. In November the plan was put into motion and on August 16, 2017, it was officially unveiled. It truly was a moment in history that we need to mark.

Dr. Omar Jalil, Director of Hospital Medicine

What is a Hospitalist?

Here at Eastside we have an extensive and dedicated Hospital Medicine program. Our Hospitalist team manages patient care and treatment on a daily basis. However, we often get the question, “What is a Hospitalist?”

Dogwood Forest of Grayson Helps Their Residents with VA Benefits

Life planning is essential in today’s economy, but the process can be difficult and overwhelming. While working through investments and 401K plans, you might want to also consider researching long-term care options and how to pay for them. As we age, our needs change so preparing well before there is a need is definitely a smart move.

Michael Willman, DO, CarlinVision

Demystifying Eye Health Evolution of Cataract Surgery II

Dr. Harold Ridley was an eye surgeon in London during World War II, who helped treat bomber and fighter pilots during the air war over Europe. The pilots suffered eye wounds as shards of plexiglass would lodge into the eye after bullets shattered canopies of the aircraft. He made an observation that the material did not react in the eye and was not rejected by the body.