When is it safe to return to play?
Over the past few months we’ve talked about a handful of great concussion topics. Hopefully, by now, you know the signs and symptoms and what to do when you suspect a concussion.
Over the past few months we’ve talked about a handful of great concussion topics. Hopefully, by now, you know the signs and symptoms and what to do when you suspect a concussion.
First, I would like to thank Gwinnett Citizen for allowing me to use this platform to share some of my encounters with caregivers that I hope will reach other caregivers going through the same feelings and alleviate some of the guilt caregivers often feel.
Cataracts have existed for centuries. With state-of-the-art surgical techniques, cataract surgery has become one of the safest and more effective outpatient procedures. According to the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 3 million Americans undergo cataract surgery each year, with an overall success rate of 98% or higher.
Ladies, you may be surprised to learn that heart disease is overwhelmingly the biggest threat to your health. As Gwinnett Medical Group cardiologist Mary Ellen Bergh, MD, points out, “heart disease remains a challenging health issue for women.
Sometimes, it isn’t about beauty and youth at About Face Skin Care. Sure, that is a great side benefit to the treatments that we do. However, there are many times that clients seek help from us to correct quality of life issues.
Education and Baseline Testing Are First Steps in Concussion Prevention
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that alters the way your brain functions. It’s caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth.
“There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.”
When is surgery recommended for cataracts?
By Richard Carlin, MD
When Dr. Richard Carlin started practicing 40 years ago, cataracts were removed only after the patient was legally blind, unable to see the big “E” on the eye chart, unable to see to drive, read or watch TV.
Diagnosing & treating a concussion is not as simple as 1-2-3
Some health conditions are easy to diagnose. The symptoms for a common cold, chickenpox, pink eye, strep throat, and such are all very consistent from person to person, which makes them easy to identify. But that’s not always the case with concussion.
107 W Crogan St, Lawrenceville Ga 30046 | (770) 963-3699